Food Security
The goal of our Food Security program at Solid Rock Community Development Corporation is to alleviate hunger in Southeast Colorado Springs. Our plan includes developing an aquapod farm, a co-op grocery store, expanding our established food center, and offering free farmers markets throughout the area. By providing access to healthy meals, we aim to empower families to better care for their children and enhance the overall well-being of our community.
What is Solid Rock CDC Doing?
We have an established Community Food Bank, and have been distributing food to those in need. A network of service agencies supports our efforts, these agencies are Care and Share, Food to Power, COSILove YOU and Harrison School District #2.
We are currently building our Aquapod Farm, which will be located at the Family Success Center.
Why is this necessary?
Southeast Colorado Springs comprises approximately 80,000 residents. Around 20% of those residents (14,000 people) qualify for state assistance. Nearly half of those served by the food organizations in Southeast Colorado Springs are children, which amounts to around 7,000 children.
SRCDC’s food pantry is an important resource to these families, because we can respond quickly with the one of the most important resources these families need – food!
These families reside primarily in the zip codes of 80910 and 80916. Over the next 2-3 years, families with children who need food services are estimated to increase. As the cost of living expenses increase, new families with children will require even more food assistance.
Just to give you a practical idea, 7,000 children is enough to almost completely fill the Broadmoor World Arena!